BLOG 4 - My dream job

Like many kids, my dream job was to be a veterinarian, since I love animals and it would’ve made me happy to help them. This only lasted a couple of years, as I began to realize that in order to help them, you would have to deal with very sensitive situations, and I was not sure if I would be able to bear them.

As I grew older and having no Idea of what I wanted to do with my life later, I came across the career called Public Administration, and soon I felt it suited my skills and preferences, so I decided to study it. Going with the idea that it was my dream job, I studied this career for a year, but then I realized that contrary to making me happy, it made me extremely anxious, so I abandoned the career. 

At that time, I became aware of how much I overlooked my other abilities, which were my facility to learn languages and my artistic side. So, I thought, what’s stopping me from making a living off this? Thanks to that, I decided to take a leap of faith to start studying design.

As of now, I don’t really have a dream job, but I would like to work in something that gives me enough money to live a comfortable life. A job that allows me having a certain type of freedom and flexibility, maybe? Who really knows what the future has in store?


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